Yogurt can go bad over time, and it’s important to be able to tell if it’s still safe to eat. Here are some signs that yogurt has gone bad:
Check the Date
First, look at the date on the yogurt bottle to see if it’s still good. If the date has passed, it’s likely that the yogurt has gone bad. But if it isn’t kept right, yogurt can still go bad before its expiration date.
Check the Look
Look at the yogurt with your eyes. Mold, green or pink spots, or a strange texture like curdled chunks are clear signs that the yogurt has gone bad and should be thrown away.
Smell it
Take a whiff of the yogurt. Fresh yogurt should smell gentle and a little bit sour. It’s probably gone bad if it smells sour, rotten, or off in any way.
Taste a Small Amount
If you are still not sure after looking at and smelling the food, you can try a small amount. Fresh yogurt should taste good and have a little bit of tang. If something tastes too sour, too acidic, or nasty, it’s best not to eat it.
Texture Test
Take a clean spoon and dip it into the yogurt to see how it feels. If it has separated, clumped together, or turned mushy, it may have gone bad or curdled.
Yogurt Separation
Sometimes yogurt will easily separate into a thin layer on top and a thicker layer on the bottom. This doesn’t always mean that the food has gone bad. Before you eat the yogurt, you can just stir it to mix it back together.
Check for Swelling
If the yogurt container looks swollen or bloated, it’s a good sign that bad bacteria have made gas inside, which means the yogurt is probably bad.
Unusual Color Changes
If you see any strange color changes, like a grayish or dark tint, be careful. Fresh yogurt should be white and thick.
Keep in mind that yogurt can go bad even if it hasn’t passed its expiration date. This is especially true if it has been poorly stored or has been exposed to changes in temperature. To keep yogurt fresh longer, keep it in the fridge at or below 40°F (4°C) and make sure the container is tightly shut after each use. If you have any questions about how safe the yogurt is, it’s best to be safe and throw it away. Food-borne illnesses can be caused by eating bad yogurt.

What is yogurt?
A dairy product called yogurt is created by fermenting milk with living bacteria cultures. Lactic acid, created during this fermentation process from the milk sugar lactose, gives yogurt its distinctively sour flavor and creamy texture.
Live bacteria cultures, such Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, enhance yogurt’s flavor and texture while also improving gut health and assisting with digestion.
How Long Does Yogurt Last In The Fridge?

Yogurt is a healthy dairy product that can be used in many ways. How long it will last in the fridge varies on a number of things. When kept in the fridge at temperatures below 40°F (4C), unopened yogurt containers usually stay fresh for about 1 to 2 weeks after the “sell by” or “use by” date.
This can change, though, based on the name and packaging. Once you open a package of yogurt, it’s best to eat it within 5-7 days, though Greek yogurt and yogurt with probiotics may last a little longer. Yogurt with added fruit or flavorings may not last as long, so it’s important to check the expiration date and use it within the time range given.
To keep yogurt fresh for as long as possible, it’s important to store it correctly, which means keeping the lid on tight and not letting air in.
Check the yogurt often for signs of spoiling, such as mold, strange smells, or an off taste, and throw away any yogurt that has gone bad to make sure it is safe and tastes good.
What Happens When You Eat Yogurt Has Gone Bad?
If you eat yogurt that has gone bad, it could hurt your health and ruin your eating experience. When yogurt goes bad, it becomes a place where germs and molds can grow and spread.
If you eat yogurt that has gone bad, you might get stomach problems like sickness, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. In the worst cases, it can lead to food poisoning, which is marked by fever, aches in the muscles, and being dehydrated.
Also, yogurt that has gone bad usually tastes sour and smells bad, which makes it not very tasty. Also, having bacteria or germs that cause food to go bad can throw off the balance of good bacteria in your gut, which could make you feel sick.
To avoid these health risks and make sure eating yogurt is a nice experience, you should always look for signs of spoilage, such as mold growth, strange smells, a funny taste, or a change in texture, and throw away any yogurt that has gone bad. To eat yogurt safely and at its best, you must store it properly and follow the expiration dates.
How to Store Yogurt?
It’s important to store yogurt the right way if you want it to stay fresh and not go bad before it should. Here’s how to keep yogurt fresh:
Refrigerate Promptly: Put yogurt in the fridge as soon as you get it home from the store or make it yourself. Yogurt is a dairy product that needs to be kept at 40°F (4°C) or lower because it goes bad quickly.
Check the Expiration Date: When you buy yogurt, always look at the package to see when it will go bad. To get the freshest yogurt, choose the one with the date that is the farthest away from the present date.
Keep it sealed: After opening a container of yogurt, close it tightly with its original lid or use a sealed container if the original packaging is no longer good. This helps keep air and wetness out, which can speed up the spoiling process.
Store yogurt away from smelly foods: Yogurt can easily take on the smells of other foods in the fridge. To keep this from happening, store it away from strong-smelling things like fish, onions, or garlic.
Don’t freeze regular yogurt: Freezing yogurt can change its taste and consistency, making it grainy or watery when it thaws. You shouldn’t freeze regular yogurt to keep it for a long time.
Homemade Yogurt: If you make yogurt at home, put it in a clean, airtight container and put it in the fridge as soon as it has hit the level of fermentation you want. Most of the time, homemade yogurt doesn’t last as long as yogurt made for sale.
Final Thoughts
A flexible and healthy food, yogurt can improve your diet. To guarantee that you consume fresh and secure products, it is essential to be aware of the symptoms of ruined yogurt.
You may reliably identify if your yogurt has gone bad by paying attention to visual clues including mold, texture changes, strange scents, and discoloration.
Keep in mind to use safe storage techniques, such as refrigeration and container closure after opening.
By following these recommendations, you can take full advantage of yogurt’s health benefits without sacrificing your well-being.